The City of Glendale, California is dedicated to providing its elderly population with the necessary support to meet their basic nutritional needs. Whether it's meals, home care, transportation, or a caregiver needing training and education or a break from their responsibilities, the elderly care locator can point you in the right direction. Other services include consultations at centers for the elderly, home consultations with people confined to the home, and monthly community legal education seminars at selected sites. The Workforce Development Board provides job applicants and businesses with the necessary support to succeed.
The Ombudsman for Long Term Care Program offers local advocacy services in response to complaints and concerns from residents of skilled nursing and boarding facilities and authorized care. This service is limited to people who reside in Los Angeles County, excluding the city of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County also partners with Project Lifesaver to help locate a loved one who has disappeared, in addition to providing resources for community support services. The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is designed to provide subsidized training opportunities based on part-time work with community service organizations for unemployed and low-income older adults. The Adult Protective Services (APS) Home Safe Program provides older adults at risk of homelessness with the services necessary to maintain their current housing or find new housing to avoid becoming homeless or entering the emergency homeless shelter system.
A variety of services are available to address functional limitations, maintain health and independence, promote socialization, and ensure access to services for older adults. Adult Protective Services (APS) also provides an in-person response system to reports of abuse and personal neglect involving adults with developmental disabilities, adults with physical and mental disabilities, and older people who may be victims of abuse. With all these services available, Glendale is committed to providing its elderly population with the assistance they need.